Cold Calling – Everyone HATES It!
Cold Calling — Digging Ditches With A Spoon Cold calling is an artifact of early B2B selling where both the caller and recipient loath it.
Cold Calling — Digging Ditches With A Spoon Cold calling is an artifact of early B2B selling where both the caller and recipient loath it.
B2B Sales Absurdity: Take Your Child To Work – Explain What You Do! B2B sales, particularly tech sales, has been reduced to a theater
Status Quo consistently winning means customers have what they need. Have you noticed the sales gurus, ninjas, and Sherpas growing advice about how to
Nothing works anymore! Nobody is making quota. We turn over sales VPs every 18 months. Our leads suck! Prospects won’t return our calls! Sound familiar?
Are You A Salesperson Or A Human Being? Learn The Difference When you are a decision maker for a tech company, even a small
Are Ethics Dead In B2B Marketing And Sales? VC-funded companies desperate for metrics go too far! If you do not want to read the
Did Sales Ops Destroy Sales Imagination? It Did. There was once a time when B2B salespeople called prospects who answered their phones. Once prospects
Automating every action makes robots out of your sales teams — and people do not buy from robots! What is “sales automation?” You first
Perhaps never in the history of the planet has sales activity, driven by nonsensical systems like CRM, Account Based Marketing and sales process managers like
Having done startups for 25 years, I am used to working with few resources. Sales calls are not gang up events. A face-to-face call with a
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