Why A VC Is Like A Pet Rattlesnake
Why wouldn’t you give your child, or a friend’s child, a pet rattlesnake? Because you know rattlesnakes as a pet are likely to end up
Why wouldn’t you give your child, or a friend’s child, a pet rattlesnake? Because you know rattlesnakes as a pet are likely to end up
The euphoria of a new VC financing round (“WE GOT FUNDED”) is only outdone by the equally stupid glee of “We Got A New CEO!”
How VC Backed Software Firms Die A Slow Death As the DevOps VC-funded valuation world collapses, three of its victims have been cobbled together to
Alternatives To Toxic Venture Capital A growing force of founders who have raised VC money before will never do it again – here’s why. Bring
Jay Valentine offers a brutally honest outlook at taking on outside investors. Most B2B founders consider the additional growth possible with outside funding. A default
Venture Capital Poisons Disruptive Startups And Other Living Things Why disruptive technologies do NOT need VCs. “We got funded!” That phrase indicates either a
When the ship is sinking, you cannot see shore, and there are not enough lifeboats! You know them! They are the E, F, G venture
The VC Funded Startup – Where The Story Is EVERYTHING There comes a time in most VC backed companies when the future is clear, stark,
This month, a little known browser testing company is showing how to use accretive financing, with later-stage VC money as a competitive weapon against overly
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