Happy 10th Birthday SaaS Company — You Are Now Dead!
Forbes Article To a human, 10 years old is blissful childhood. According to Shasta Ventures in this Forbes article, 10 years old
Forbes Article To a human, 10 years old is blissful childhood. According to Shasta Ventures in this Forbes article, 10 years old
Just who would believe, in a million years, that the “software museum” Computer Associates would get bought by Broadcom — for almost $19 billion? Well,
GitLab Says: “Ditch Chef, Puppet, SNYK” Probably a Good Idea! Could there be anything more wretched than rising every morning to sell a DevOps niche
My first call this morning, as I sat reading emails in my favorite Sauce Labs hoodie, was from a large Sauce Labs strategic partner.
VC Backed Companies Need Sales Monkeys VC backed companies, particularly those dead men walking in DevOps and browser testing, use the Sales Monkey Model.
SaaS Software Needing the 40% Rule for Liquidity One would think with the stock market as hot as it is, now would be a great
10 Years Old is An Ugly Birthday for SaaS Software Firms It’s our 10th birthday SaaS software company! We are still in business! We have
Software Testing Firm Misses Liquidity Event Just who would believe, in a million years, that the “software museum” Computer Associates would get bought by Broadcom
The thirst for venture capital is a knee jerk reaction because it lingers as the model to those who have never seen a different way
You have stock options, but, well, it is kind of a crappy company and now you are gone and you have to decide whether to
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